In Amman, the first set of workshops took place from 24-27 March 2019, organised in cooperation with our local partner organisation, MIRRA (Methods for Irrigation and Agriculture). Two one-day and one half-day workshops were held: the first workshop had stakeholders from different FWE fields, the second workshop had experts from the public and private sectors and academia, and the third workshop was focused exclusively on input from modelling experts. This report documents the first two workshops.
What: Create a common vision of the Greater Amman Region in 2050, and develop ideas and proposals for measures and policies aimed at developing a sustainable FWE system.
Who: There were 35 participants from diverse Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the areas of water, food, energy, urban matters, environmental protection, social issues, as well as farmers, youth group representatives and small companies.
How: After an introduction to the project, participants formed small groups and discussed current FWE challenges and coping strategies. In the second part of the workshop, four future perspectives were presented. Participants discussed possible solutions and future coping strategies within these perspectives in a World Café format.